April is Stress Awareness Month and so it’s only fitting that we post a good article on stress reduction while traveling on business! 

Sometimes the stress of traveling makes us wonder if that necessary business trip is really worth it?  Wonder no more! Whether you are a business owner, CEO, travel manager, or in HR, chances are you and/or your employees travel frequently in order to move your business forward. 

All too often, the inevitable stressors that are a normal part of traveling often overshadow the actual trip itself. But it doesn’t have to be that way! 

As a corporate traveler, I have spent years traveling the world for business purposes. I know intimately the idiosyncrasies of both domestic and international business travel. Through trial and tribulation, I have realized that there are many aspects and ways to travel while keeping sane, healthy, and productive through it all – even making a business trip enjoyable! Imagine that! 

Find a comfortable routine. Plan ahead as much as you can. That way, when the inevitable hiccups happen, you are at least somewhat prepared. Here are some of my strategies that helped me alleviate stress and anxiety during travel and will make your next business trip go as smoothly as possible.

Make lists. Take a few moments to think about what the stress points were in your past trips and do what you can to alleviate them this time around. Create a master packing list for each type of trip (think winter vs. summer trip) a few days ahead of time. This also includes lists of arrangements you need to make at home before you leave town, such as child or pet care, turning off air conditioning, etc. Don’t forget to pack your essential. This Smart Packing Check List will help you with this for just a fraction of the cost. Click here to purchase for just $9 (Value of $1,000+).  

Sign up for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck. This is especially great for frequent travelers. For an affordable fee and sharing a bit of personal information with the feds, you will save time and the stress of taking out all of your liquids, laptops and the like, and taking off shoes each time you go through airport security. Often, the precheck lines are short or even nonexistent. Here is a link to more information. I have recently applied for the Global Entry Card that already includes the TSA PreCheck and my card arrived 4 business days after my interview day! It was fast and very efficient. The interview took less than 10 mins!

Enjoy your downtime. It’s easy to get anxious and worry about that tight connecting flight, delays, and worrying about keeping up with your work emails on travel days. Make a point to keep travel days just that, traveling to/from your destinations and learning to chill out and enjoy some music, your favorite podcast, or whatever you do to relax, before and during your flight. If you feel the telltale signs of anxiety creep up, take a deep breath and focus on just being in the moment. Everything else can wait until you’re settled in at your destination. That way, you have a calm mindset which will help you conduct business better.

Dress for comfort. The days of dressing up for a flight are long gone. Especially in today’s world where increased security is the norm, dressing in comfortable clothing adds to a relaxed mindset. Wear comfortable shoes (ladies, ditch those heels!) and wear clothes you wouldn’t mind wearing all day and even taking a snooze in on the plane. If you’re dressing for travel where the climates differ, dress in layers.

Set your company up for success on any business trip. Through my personal experiences, I have put together a stellar package that enables your business to do just that. My Business Travel Readiness Kit details everything you and your employees need to know for travel wellness and success. Your employees are your biggest asset – why not show your appreciation for them by readying them for success on the road for just $99 (Value of $8,000)

This readiness kit is essential in today’s post-pandemic world, and includes everything you need to know on how to get started on the journey to the success and well-being of your employees all throughout the process.

Included in the Business Travel Readiness Kit:

  • A comprehensive video guide on assessing your employee’s needs, why travel wellness is essential, travel wellness benefits, and guidance on steps to get your company ready for travel again. (Value of $5,000)
  • BONUS #1 – A business travel lounge ROI calculator. Airport lounges always seem like a gamble; they are generally expensive to use, and yet offer so much value, especially for the business flyer. We will show you how to determine if lounge access is right for your company. (Value of 750)
  • BONUS #2 – Smart Packing Checklist. Know exactly what to pack, so that you and your employees confidently step into that conference room or client interaction meeting completely prepared. (Value of $750)
  • BONUS #3 – A handy Employee Survey Template so you know which critical questions to ask to gain the insights you need for them to succeed and excel during any business trip. (Value of $750)
  • BONUS #4 – Guide to Common Contamination Zones – know how to keep your employees safe when traveling through airports, hotels, and keep healthy throughout. While this is generally a no-brainer, we have added insights that may be eye-opening. (Value of $750)

Get your employees ready to travel for less stress on ALL of their future business trips. Dive deep into the points mentioned above by grabbing my valuable 2021 Business Travel Readiness Kit. It is an unbelievable tool for your business at only $99! (Value of $8,000)